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About the submittal property set

The property set named SubmittalPropertySet is assigned to all document types that are designated as Submittal in Meridian Enterprise Configurator. The information stored for each submittal includes the properties in the SubmittalPropertySet described in the following table.

SubmittalPropertySet properties
Property Description


The address of the person who submitted the submittal.


Comments about the submittal.


A description of the submittal.


The delivery method used to deliver the submittal.


The media used to deliver the submittal. This property is set to e-mail by the Transmittal Management Module.


The name of the person who submitted the submittal.


Availability of the submittal to be selected in the user interface expressed as the sum of one or more AS_SUBMITTAL_STATUS_FLAGS constants that can be set with VBScript. For the list of possible constants, see The AS_SUBMITTAL_STATUS_FLAGS constants.

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